freedom through limitation


listening to: words so leisured - franz ferdinand

trying to find freedom in limitation. the overwhelming stuff, overwhelming choices of activities don't play well with executive funcion problems. and so i'm trying to combine two concepts.

first thing: limit the "what" in each of my categories. for a given time at least.

it leaves a lot of room for boredom (important!) or intentional emptiness (meditation, prayer, nietsen), also important.

one thing per category would also definitely work. don't feel like reading this book? there are four other leisure activities to do, or you can focus on one of your responsibilities. but it felt a little too punishing? i'm not sure. if two don't work out i might try one as well.

second thing: artists on youtube have been doing an "8 hour challenge" - if you can spend 8h doing a 9-5, can you commit equally to your creative life? the rules are half an hour of art, half an hour of a "boring" break, riding on the dopamine reset trend. repeat 8 times. i'm not going to do that exactly, but i like the alternating half hour blocks. a reminder to:

let's see what happens!

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